
创业 | 西浦大学生创业园2017秋季项目征集通知

2017-11-22 西浦就业CareerCentre


XJTLU Student Entrepreneurship Park Project Selection 2017 (autumn)


In order to stimulate XJTLU students’ innovation and creative potential, and to enable student projects to evolve into real businesses, the XJTLU Student Entrepreneurship Park Project Selection 2017 submission has now been launched.

一、征集时间 / Project submission period


Nov.21, 2017 to Dec.7, 2017

二、征集对象 / Project selection criteria

1.  我校在校本科生、研究生为项目负责人的,符合创业园条件的项目;

All candidates must be current XJTLU Y1-Y4 undergraduate or postgraduate students and the project must conform to XJTLU regulations.

2.  创业项目应具备一定的项目启动资金,无知识产权纠纷,创新性较强,有较强的市场竞争力。

Project should be creative, competitive, have start-up capital and no intellectual property disputes.

三、征集流程 / Project collecting procession

1.  申请人下载并按要求填写《西浦大学生创业项目登记表》(请点击下载)及内容详细的商业计划书(无固定模板),于2017年12月7日下午5点前提交(纸质)交至西浦就业发展办公室(中心楼102E),同时将申请材料电子版发送至 epark@xjtlu.edu.cn.

Applicants shall submit the printed ‘XJTLU student entrepreneurship project registry form’(click to download) with business plan to XJTLU Career Development Office, and send these in electronic format to epark@xjtlu.edu.cn before 5pm, Dec. 7, 2017.

2.  书面评审:2017年12月8日。项目评审组将对所提交的项目进行初步筛选以确定参加路演的项目名单。路演名单将于2017年12月9日公示于就业中心系统网站。

Business Plan Review: Dec.8, 2017. The panel of judges will conduct a preliminary screening to select projects to enroll to Roadshow session. The enrolled projects will be listed on XJTLU Career Centre System (http://careers.xjtlu.edu.cn ).

3.  项目路演:拟定于2017年12月13日,地点拟定中心楼C689教室。项目路演由5分钟项目展示、8分钟评委问答两个环节组成。项目评审标准以项目的市场需求、项目可行性、完整性、创新性以及效益收益为主。现场语言以中文为主。海外生项目可选择英文表述。

Roadshow Session: Dec. 13, 2017, located in C689, Central building. This session consists of a 5-minute-presentation and an 8-minute-Q&A. The evaluation criteria includes the project’s integrity, creativity, market demand, feasibility and profitability. The participants can use Chinese or English during this session.

4.  入驻项目公示:本次项目征集共评出三个项目入驻西浦大学生创业园,名单将于2017年12月18日公示于就业中心系统网站。入驻项目将获得西浦大学生创业园免费使用权一年。

Winners’ publicity: Dec.18, 2017,on XJTLU Career Centre System(http://careers.xjtlu.edu.cn ).The top 3 projects in the overall rating will be awarded an independent shop for one year free in XJTLU Student Entrepreneurship Park. 

四、配套活动(时间地点另行通知)/ Supporting activities (time and place will be confirmed at a later date)

1.  创客沙龙第2期《国际留学生如何在中国创业》

Entrepreneur Salon 2: ‘ How to run your business in China’ (in English)

2.  创享工作坊第15期《大学生创业:如何从零到一》

Entrepreneurship Workshop 15th: ‘From zero to one, entrepreneurship in university’ (in Chinese)


Monday, November 27, Monday 18:30 p.m


1106, Centre  Building, XJTLU 

3.  创享工作坊第16期《商业计划书撰写》

Entrepreneurship Workshop 16th: ‘How to write your business plan’ (in English)

4.  创享工作坊第17期《项目路演技巧》

Entrepreneurship Workshop 17th: Roadshow skill 

五、咨询与联系方式 / Contact us:

西交利物浦大学就业发展办公室(中心楼 – 102E办公室)

XJTLU Career Development Office @ 102E, Central Building

电话 / Tel:0512-88161911、88161890

邮箱 / Email: epark@xjtlu.edu.cn


