
(上海) 玛莎施瓦茨及合伙人事务所 | 招聘初级景观设计师

玛莎施瓦茨及合伙人事务所 | Martha Schwartz Partners




Martha Schwartz Partners (MSP) is a leading international design practice whose work focuses on activating and regenerating urban sites and city centers and addressing issues of future climate impacts within the landscape. Situated at the intersection of public realm, urban design and site-specific art, MSP has 40 years of experience designing and implementing award-winning projects at various scales from public art installations to landscape masterplans.

Our strong portfolio of international and national projects leads us to look for creative, passionate, well-structured and proactive Senior Project Manager, Senior Designer and Designer with exceptional design skills of the highest caliber to join our talented and international team in Shanghai.

You will be working closely with design directors to develop creative and innovative design concepts that aim to push the boundaries of contemporary landscape architecture.

公司项目 | Projects

▲ 顺德欢乐海岸 Shunde Joy Marina

▲ 北七家云集TBD Beiqijia TBD

▲ 重庆凤鸣山公园 Chongqing Fengming Mountain Park

▲ 自贡釜溪河滨水 Zigong Fuxi River Waterfront

▲ 韩国济州梦幻大厦 Jeju Dream Tower

▲ 维尔纽斯广场Vilnius Plaza

▲ 维也纳北部医院Vienna North Hospital

▲ 都柏林大运河广场 Grand Canal Square

▲ 美国明尼阿波利斯广场 Minneapolis Courthouse Plaza

▲ 加拿大约克维尔公园Village of Yorkville Park

招聘职位 | Job vacancy

初级景观设计师 Junior Landscape Designer

能力概述 Profile

• 卓越的设计能力和出色的审美

• 能够通过手绘草图和精准的3D建模流畅地表达设计想法

• 对形式、颜色、图形的表现以及概念的深化具有一定掌控力和敏锐度

• 能够在强大的概念基础上生产出独特的设计

• 熟悉公共空间和当代艺术设计的趋势

• 对工作和设计有良好的态度

• 能够在设计中突破常规,拥有超出正常设计参数的思考能力

• 对解决问题充满热情

• 对可持续和前瞻性施工方法和材料充满兴趣

• 擅于分享想法并积极参与小组讨论

• 良好的人际沟通能力

• 对专业发展充满热情和决心

• 积极回应建设性批评和意见的能力

• 较强的沟通能力

• 能够在充满活力的国际团队中高效协作

• Exceptional design skills and a unique visual eye.

• Able to communicate ideas fluently through hand sketching and excellent 3D modelling.

• Keen grasp and sensibility of form, color, graphic representation and design concept development.

• Ability to generate unique design ideas with a strong conceptual basis.

• Familiarity with current trends in the design of public spaces and contemporary art.

• Critical in their work and design attitude.

• Natural boundary pusher and ability to think outside of the normal parameters of design.

• Passion for problem-solving.

• Genuine interest in sustainable and forward-thinking construction methods and materials.

• Willingness to share ideas and actively participate in group discussions.

• Great interpersonal communication skills.

• Determined and passionate about professional development.

• Ability to take the initiative in response to constructive criticism and directions.

• Strong communication skills.

• Ability to work collaboratively and effectively in in a dynamic, international team.

• 景观设计或相关设计专业本科及以上学位

• 1-3年的景观设计经验

• 精通Rhino(Grasshopper优先)、Lumion、AutoCAD和Adobe Suite(Photoshop、InDesign、Illustrator和Acrobat),擅长效果图渲染者优先

• 精通Microsoft软件(Outlook、Word、Excel等)

• 英语流利(日常口语和书面邮件)

• MLA or BLA Degree in landscape architecture or equivalent.

• 1-3 years professional experience in landscape architecture

• Excellent skills in Rhino (Grasshopper a plus), Lumion, AutoCAD and Adobe Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and Acrobat). Excellent rendering skill is a plus.

• Mastery of Microsoft Suite (Outlook, Word, Excel).

• Fluent in English (spoken and written).


1. 上述职位由各公司委托Archibucks初步筛选,筛选合格之候选人将会交由公司HR进行面试安排。请将简历及作品集发至:info@archibucks.com,邮件注明申请职位;
2. 职位咨询热线:021-33661613;
3. 职位咨询顾问:Derek Lu咨询




(北京, 上海, 深圳)HPP | 招聘建筑项目负责人/室内设计项目负责人/规划项目负责人

(武汉)某大型国企设计院 | 招聘总建筑师/建筑设计总监/规划设计总监

(香港)法国某著名零售室内事务所 | 招聘室内设计师

深圳AICO | 招聘建筑资深设计总监/建筑主创/室内主创(商业设计方向)


Archibucks自2009年开始为中国建筑设计企业提供人力资源服务,职位涵盖高级合伙人至初级设计师等各个岗位。客户包括Aedas, Arup, AREP, Atelier Frederic Rolland, BUZZ, CallisonRTKL, Chapman Taylor, Ennead Architects, EID Arch, FTA, Gensler, Goettsch Partners, HPP, HBA, H2, KPF, Mad, OPEN, OBERMEYER, PC&P, ppas, line+,  Leigh&Orange, SOM, SCDA, Strabala+, Valode & Pistre, Wowa, Woodsbagot, Xing Design, Zaha Hadid, ZXD等著名国际设计及工程公司以及万科、复星地产、华润、华东院、深总院、GOA、gad、天华、联创、日清、DC国际、AAI、三益设计、致逸设计、hmd、筑森设计、BLVD、筑土设计、大小建筑、JAE江欢成建筑设计、秉仁建筑设计、山鼎设计、昱景设计、AURA等国内优秀设计企业。


