
Join Us to Report PKU News on the World Stage!

PekingUniversity PekingUniversity 2022-10-04



About Us 关于我们

The Office of Global Communications, Peking University, which operates PKU's official English website and international social media accounts, is looking for outstanding content creators that we can feature across our platforms. Get your name out there under the PKU banner, and share your PKU story with numerous netizens on our website, over three million people on Facebook, or the hundreds of thousands of followers we have over Twitter, WeChat, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube!

北京大学海外传播办公室负责北大英文网(English.pku.edu.cn) 、五大官方国际新媒体平台 (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube)、以及英文官方微信公众号的运营,目前是北大在互联网上主要的英文信息发布渠道

Who we are looking for

Recruitment tailored to full-time PKU student

If you possess native, near-native, or otherwise very exceptional English proficiency

If you are well-versed in design, filming, and the application of relevant equipment or software

Join us!







What will you get

A competitive stipend commensurate with your work and workload

Opportunities to participate in numerous events and meet with eminent figure

Internship in renowned media outlets for outstanding contributors

Remote working, with no mandatory requirement of coming to the office








o Write and translate news articles for PKU's official English website and WeChat official account

o Participate in campus activities and undertake on-site interviews

o  Other relevant duties as assigned


o  撰写、编译北大英文网、英文官微的日常新闻稿件

o  参加校园活动或参与人物采访,撰写英文深度稿件

o  其他相关工作

Social Media editor

Create content and feature stories for PKU's multiple English media platforms

o  Assist in the operation of PKU's international social media accounts

o  Other relevant duties as assigned


o  推送和帖文的编译与内容生产

o  协助完成北京大学国际新媒体平台的日常运营工作

o  其他相关工作

Social Media assistant

Oversee all social media accounts

Develop miscellaneous content and strategies to increase followership and engagement

Facilitate the operations of social media

Manage photo albums on drives


o  监管全部新媒体平台

o  提出用户感兴趣的选题和增加追踪人数、互动的策略

o  协助新媒体运营

o  素材管理


o  Manage graphic design via Photoshop/Canvas/other design tools

o  Mange article layout for WeChat Public Account via Xiumi or 135

Produce sketches and illustrations


o  使用Photoshop或Canvas等设计软件完成海报设计等图片编辑工作

o  使用秀米或135编辑器完成微信推送排版

o  生产手绘等原创视觉内容

Video Producer

o  Manage video filming and editing for social media platforms like IG Stories/YouTube


o  为国际新媒体平台拍摄并制作视频内容

Let's hear from the team

My decision joining the OGC team at PKU in 2019 happened on a whim, but my experience here, after years of making content, has proven to be a truly rewarding one. Not only was I able to continue my passion of writing, but I was also involved in so many projects and events that were closely tied to our beloved PKU. I was able to make so many friends along the way, and learn my way through many other disciplines that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to otherwise. If you're ready to immerse into the PKU campus life and make the most out of your time here, join us!

-Rose Li, 记者

我带着自己的梦想与追求,来到了期盼已久的OGC。作为一名刚进入一个全新工作环境的新成员,我难免还是有一点压力的。但是,很庆幸能够遇到对我们关怀备至的老师,庆幸拥有这么多亲切热情的同学,庆幸自己初来乍到就有机会参加各种会议和活动。在这里,我学到了很多专业知识,认识了很多可爱的小伙伴,同时也离自己的记者梦又近了一步!谢谢 ,OGC!


I've been in this team for three years now and every year has been enriching so far. Besides the translation and editing work that we do, we’re also constantly encouraged to come up with original ideas for Wechat articles - could be an article series, video series, anything you can think of! 

For those looking for a dynamic job scope, a supportive working environment and flexible working hours, there's no better place than this. This is not your piecemeal journalist stint - you'll be given full control over your work and ample opportunities to hone your creative talents!






It's been a pleasure to work with PKU's New Media Team to help them create interactive posts as well as stories! In my three years of work, I've gained skills in not only social media design creation, but also in terms of interpersonal communication. Would definitely recommend this job to anyone who's passionate in creating beautiful social media designs while also promoting Peking University's outreach!




Taking part in the graduation short video project was such a fulfilling and enriching experience!  From script writing to the production of the video, we were given a lot of autonomy and support from the teachers.

-June, 视频制作人

With the freedom to create rich and diverse videos, your fertile imagination will thrive here! Both following a popular trend and planning original video shooting are welcomed. During the process, you will have the opportunity to tell PKU’s story in an innovative way as well as learn more about new media!





Please scan the QR code below or

click "Read more" at the bottom

to fill in the application form




Application deadline: September 11, 2022


Join Us to Report PKU News on the World Stage!

Source: Office of Global Communications, Peking University

Editor: Lean Zhi Xuan, Hu Shaocong

Designer: Chin Xiao Yun Pauline

