
TokenClub Bi-Weekly Report - Issue 123(9.07-9.20)

TokenClub 海外币圈 2020-09-20

Hello everyone, thank you for your continued interest and support. In the past two weeks, various tasks of TokenClub have been progressing steadily. The product development and community operation progress this week are as follows:


1. TokenClub Events

1)Cointelegraph's Chinese HUB live program is broadcast on TokenClub

Cointelegraph's Chinese HUB live broadcast column "Exploring the Korean star public chain Klaytn and industry investment trends" will be broadcast on TokenClub at 13:00 on September 11th. Welcome to replay the Korean version of the WeChat Kakao public chain project Klaytn, OKEx, and the guests of Keyin Capital.


2)Bestswap's cross-chain ecological salon is held in TokenClub

On September 11, the salon "Cross-Chain Ecology, How to Promote the Next Hotspot of DeFi" was held at TokenClub. This salon was hosted by Bestswap CMO Gigi, and the guests were Darwinia CMO Bree and Darwinia Co-Founder Alex



3)Binance co-founder He Yi visits TokenClub to interpret Binances 2020 events

499Blcok and TokenClub have invited Binance co-founder He Yi and Roark Group founder Sky to be a guest at TokenClub, to explain to you the most important Binance events and the top miners in 2020. 499Block, gathers top blockchain resources to provide integrated marketing services for the industry. The 499 community is the world's largest blockchain community, covering the currency circle, chain circle, and mining circle, 150+ KOL elite women, and 100+ communities covering 300,000+ people in China, South Korea, and Britain.



4)TokenClub's global influence has increased significantly

On September 14, according to lunarcrush, a cryptocurrency big data research institution, TokenClub's currency price increased by 65% in the past month. A total of 1,125 social posts mentioned TokenClub, a year-on-year increase of 95.31%, and social post participation reached approximately 1.34 million, a year-on-year increase 164%. For details, see: https://lunarcrush.com/coins/tct/tokenclub?metric=social_volume&interval=1%20Week. LunarCRUSH is a community-driven cryptocurrency market insight. It learns how social indicators affect the trend of the cryptocurrency market. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze data from dozens of sources to discover valuable insights.


2.TokenClub Live
1) Summary

Recently, Binance co-founder He Yi, Roark Group founder Sky, OKEx CEO Jay Hao, FRM China COO Charles Liu, BUSD head Helen Tu, Co-founder & CEO of Ankr Chandler Song, Co-Founder & COO at Ankr Ryan Fang, Bella & ARPA Cofounfer Felix, Director of LaunchPool Harry, Bestswap CMO Gigi, Darwinia CMO Bree, Darwinia Co-Founder Alex, Business&Strategy, Co-Founder of EpiK James, EpiK China Head Eric, Klaytn Business Development Head Uno Lee, Joseph Hung, Marketing Strategy Director of Klaytn, Hao Tian, Brand Director of PeckShield, Xu Bo, Head of Mars Trading Master, TraderT, Chief Trader of Apocalypse Capital, Coco, Business Leader of Binance OTC, Jess, Business Leader of Binance Broker, Binance Futures Director Justin, Binance New Media Marketing Manager Ying Ge, 77, TokenClub Commercial Director Jing Jing, and TokenClub Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Senior Expert Zao Shen talk to you about the blockchain~


On September 7, 2020, Binance BUSD project leader Helen Tu had a conversation with Chandler Song (Co-founder & CEO of Ankr) and Ryan Fang (Co-Founder & COO at Ankr). In the live broadcast, Chandler and Ryan introduced the gameplay of DeFi Staking and the functions and advantages of the Bounce.Finance decentralized transaction settlement platform.


On September 9, 2020, Binance OTC Commercial Director Coco had a conversation with Harry and Bella (Director of LaunchPool) & ARPA Cofounder Felix. In the live broadcast, Harry said that Binance’s latest Launchpool is a combination of IEO and DeFi. Through the combination of current hot DeFi liquidity mining and centralized trading, a new model of token distribution is launched.


On September 10, 2020, Binance New Media Marketing Manager Ying Ge talked with Binance Contract Director Justin & Apocalypse Capital Chief Trader TraderT. Justin and TraderT shared their experience and skills in contract trading in the live broadcast.


On September 11, Cointelegraph's Chinese COO Ting Peng talked with guests from Klaytn, OKEx, and Keyin Capital to explore the Korean star public chain Klaytn and industry investment trends.


On the same day, Bestswap CMO Gigi talked with Alex (co-founder of Darwinia) and Bree (Darwinia CMO) to explore how the cross-chain ecosystem can promote the next hot spot of DeFi.


On September 12th, Binance co-founder He Yi was a guest at "Sky lounge" and talked with Roark Group founder Sky about hot topics such as DeFi, DEX and CEX, liquid mining, Binance Smart Chain. He Yi focused on the Binance Smart Chain and Binance's thinking and attitudes towards DeFi, and together at Sky he discussed his thoughts on the development of the DeFi market, his thoughts on entrepreneurial development teams, and his understanding of the status quo of the industry.


On the same day, Zao Shen, as always, met with you in the live broadcast room. During the live broadcast, Zao Shen analyzed the recent market and market hot spots.


On September 16, 2020, Binance New Media Marketing Manager 77 had a conversation with Hao Tian, PeckShield Brand Director. Hao Tian analyzed the DeFi mining boom in the live broadcast and introduced how to avoid risks for new users.


On September 17, 2020, Binance Brokers Commercial Manager Jess had a conversation with Xu Bo, the principal of Mars Trading Master. Xu Bo introduced the core and advantages of quantitative trading in the live broadcast.


On the same day, Jingjing, the commercial director of TokenClub, had a conversation with James (Business&Strategy, Co-Founder of EpiK) and Eric (Head of EpiK China). During the live broadcast, James and Eric gave a detailed introduction to EpiK Protocol.


On September 19, 2020, Zao Shen arrived as scheduled. This week, UNI was extremely hot. Zao Shen analyzed the reasons for Uniswap’s popularity in detail. At the same time, Zao Shen reminded everyone to participate in DeFi rationally and not to forget the risks.



2.TokenClub operation data

-Live broadcast data: In the past two weeks, there have been 17 live broadcasts with over 500,000 views. TokenClub held a total of 1023 live broadcasts, with a total of 49.46 million views.

-Guessing the ups and downs data: Guess the ups and downs in these two weeks and participated in a total of 8012  has participated in about 1.162 million times, and the cumulative participation amount is about 600 million TCT.

-Chat data: A total of 6199 messages were generated during these two weeks of chat. About 4.93 million messages have been launched since the function.

-Mini-game data: This week the mini-games participated 1312 times. About 1.674 million times since the function was launched.

-Game data: of cutting leek together: Since the game went online, users have participated in 140810 games, total TCT consumption is about 6.28 million, total gift certificate consumption is about 17.752million, and TCT mining total output is 170659 TCT.

-TokenClub KOL Grandma's data: The accumulated readings of Grandma's articles + Weibo in the past two weeks have been viewed by more than 330,000 times.

-Social media data: At present, the official Weibo account has 19399 followers and Twitter 2278 followers.

-Telegram official group data: 322 chats in the group in the past 2 weeks. The total number of Telegram official groups is currently 3227.

-Medium: Medium official account @TokenClub, official announcements and updates are published in English, welcome to follow.



1),Overseas community

The live broadcast has become more diversified this week, and the activity of users in overseas communities has continued to break new highs. Many small partners are interacting in the community. The TokenClub team has also received recognition and support from many friends, and is concerned about future plans for overseas communities. , We also made an update this week. We will carry out more activities in the future, please pay more attention.



2),Domestic community


The Leek Paradise Community Conference was held as scheduled. As the red envelopes were sent out one by one, the number of chatting friends increased a lot. Although the chat was cancelled, we can see that everyone is still as enthusiastic as before. The market is currently in a sideways state.

I don’t know how many small partners have received the recent UNI airdrop move, and only the currency circle will have this kind of generous money way. Jack Ma said in his recent public speech that Bitcoin may be a scam, but the blockchain is definitely not a scam. We are in the circle and we still have a first-mover advantage over the general public. We look forward to the development of blockchain. , The value currency in hand can also rise. At present, Bitcoin 11000 cannot be broken for a long time. TCT has been deeply adjusted since the last time it rose to 0.27. Looking forward to the market outlook, but as long as we are still there and everyone is still there, there is still hope. We will stick to the community meeting and we will not chat out , And red envelope rain, thank you for your support!



The community Weibo has been opened up to now. The number of fans is gradually increasing. At present, the number of Weibo fans has exceeded 5300+. A total of 258 Weibo posts have been posted, and the total number of readings has exceeded one million. In the future, community Weibo will continue to contribute more to the promotion and publicity of TokenClub~


This week, the Orange Club will continue to carry out the daily Good Morning Red Envelope activities and promote the live broadcast of TokenClub. The community is also spreading the correct investment concepts and strategies for everyone. The Orange Club will work harder in the future. Finally, thank you all for your long-term support and attention to the Orange Club~


On the evening of September 6th and September 13, TCT Fortune and Freedom Academy held the 68th and 69th week sign-in lottery activities, and rewarded the generous TCT partners who insisted on signing-in. Lucky friends got TCT ranging from 20-210.



TCT has been listed on Binance、Okex、Gate.io、ZB-M、MXC、Biki、Coinex、BigOne、Coinbene、Cybex、SWFT、Loopring、Rootrex etc.

TokenClub website: www.tokenclub.com

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