

欧洲人权法评论 法眼看南海

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European Convention on Human Rights Law Review





译者:戴梅顺子 广东财经大学本科生

初审:吴敏 山东师范大学法学院本科生

终审:陈嘉怡 暨南大学法学院/知识产权学院研究生


01. 欧洲人权法院及其对共同价值观的追求

The European Court of Human Rights and Its Search for Common Values

02. 应受谴责的还是合法的目标?根据其优势检验对《欧洲人权公约》第18条的新方法提出的建议

Reprehensible or Legitimate Aims? A Proposal for a New Approach to Article 18 echr in Light of its Predominance Test

03. 不仅仅是一个简单的公务员:欧洲人权法院最近的判例法中诉诸法官的权利

Not Just a Simple Civil Servant: The Right of Access to a Court of Judges in the Recent Case Law of the ECHR

04. 仇恨言论:对欧洲人权法院的务实评估法理学

Hate Speech: A Pragmatic Assessment of the European Court of Human Rights’ Jurisprudence


01. 欧洲人权法院及其对共同价值观的追求


卡尔·埃米利奥·刘易斯(Carl Emilio Lewis),荷兰阿瑟研究所“国际法和欧洲法中的争端解决和裁决”项目研究员



Values play a significant role in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (Court), and carry the potential to influence the Court’s interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights (Convention). This is particularly evident when the Court refers to common values whilst engaging in European consensus analysis. By exploring sociological approaches to the concept of values and Gilbert’s summative and plural subject accounts of shared values, this article argues that it is reasonable for the Court to search for common values amongst the member states of the Convention, in an effort to align its interpretation of Convention rights with such values. However, the article contends that when the Court ascribes normative authority to shared values identified purely through a comparative analysis of state practice, it is confounding the summative and plural subject accounts of common values in its reasoning, thus raising legitimacy concerns.

02. 应受谴责还是合法的目标?根据其优势检验对《欧洲人权公约》第18条的新方法提出的建议


托拜厄斯·莫迪埃(Tobias Mortier),比利时根特大学人权中心和大学博士研究员



The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR, Court) finds a violation of Article 18 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) if the respondent authorities simultaneously pursued both a legitimate and hidden aim (plurality of aims), provided that the latter was the predominant one. The Court establishes this predominance by considering the ‘nature and degree of reprehensibility’ of the hidden aim. I argue that this reprehensibility criterion has not been applied in a consistent manner, resulting in unpredictability as to the true meaning behind it. The Court either interprets this as an assessment of contextual factors or as an impact assessment, and sometimes even applies it in the absence of a plurality of aims. This article points out the flaws in these different interpretations and formulates recommendations in order to determine where these interpretations would be most aptly applied under Article 18; the former under the predominance test, the latter as a new threshold criterion.

03. 不仅仅是一个简单的公务员:欧洲人权法院最近的判例法中诉诸法官的权利


马蒂厄·勒鲁普(Mathieu Leloup),荷兰蒂尔堡大学宪法和行政法助理教授



This article discusses the right of access to a court in the most recent case law of the European Court of Human Rights, more particularly the application of the so-called Eskelinen-test in the context of cases concerning domestic Judges. The Court appears to have established a new approach to this test, which considerably raises the bar to exclude Judges from access to a court when disputes about their status or career are concerned. First, the article discusses this new approach, suggesting that the reason for it can be found in the current rule of law landscape in Europe and highlighting its potential for future rule of law related cases. Yet, it equally points out how the test gives the final say in disputes about the status or career of Judges to Judges themselves, which creates potential issues of internal judicial independence, and may skew sensitive systems of balance of powers.

04. 仇恨言论:对欧洲人权法院的务实评估法理学


阿莱西奥·萨尔多(Alessio Sardo),意大利热那亚大学法学院高级研究员



This paper aims to offer a fresh start for addressing several conundrums relating to hate speech. The method of research combines a conceptual analysis with a possible model for evaluating the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECHR) decisions on hate speech. First, drawing on a Gricean account of communication, the argument proposes a working definition of hate speech: hate speech is best understood as a public speech act, aimed at subordinating individuals, which causes harm to targeted groups. Second, the paper offers a taxonomy of the different forms of hate speech, based on their degree of explicitness and detachment from the speaker’s intentions. The most explicit forms of (harmful) hate speech – e.g., racial slurs, fighting words, or overtly sexist remarks – will be distinguished from implicit forms of (harmful) hate speech – e.g., innuendo, insinuation, and irony. Third, the author develops a categorical framework for hate speech that can be used as a standard for evaluating the jurisprudence of the ECtHR. The author also discusses three limitations of the model: a) the absence of a European consensus, b) puzzled speakers, and c) difficulty in determining harm.

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图文编辑:崔诗若 中国海洋大学法学院本科生

审校:徐奇 暨南大学法学院/知识产权学院副教授



