

四万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2022-12-05

Applications for doctoral positions are again open for the winter semester 2022/2023.

The application deadline is June 5, 2022.

  • Duration of the programme: 6 semesters

Generally, only a limited number of funded positions for doctoral students are available to the Class of Language. Therefore we recommend that all applicants inform themselves about other funding opportunities at an early stage. We refer students particularly to scholarships offered by foundations and academic promoters. For example, Information can be found under GraduateCenter LMU and Stipendienlotse.de.

Requirements for application

  • University degree graded as above average (Master of Arts (“with thesis”), Magister Artium, diploma, state board examination, Maîtrise, Laurea, ect.) with a major in one of the following program subjects: General Linguistics and Language Typology, Theoretical Linguistics, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics, English Linguistics, Romance Linguistics, Slavic Linguistics, German as a foreign language, German Linguistics, Comparative and Indo-European Linguistics, Finno-Ugric / Uralic Studies, Albanian Studies, Cognitive and Cultural Linguistics, or comparable degrees

  • The grade of final thesis must not fall below a 2,50. The same requirement applies to the overall grade (verification needed).

  • Working knowledge in European academic languages (ideally three, at least two, one of them must be German; knowledge of a non-European academic language is an asset)

  • Willingness to actively participate in a structured doctoral program

Selection procedure

Applicants will be chosen on the basis of their application documents, final acceptance of pre-selected applicants takes place after an academic discussion with a section panel.

Criteria of selection are the quality of the dissertation project, academic qualification, co-operative and communicative skills, as well as the willingness and the ability to work on interdisciplinary theoretical as well as methodological problems in accordance with the aims of the doctoral program.

Application documents

  1. A motivation essay in which you explain the reasons you are applying (1-2 pages)

  2. An exposé of your dissertation intentions with a work outline (10-12 pages, less than 35,000 characters, including spaces)

  3. Reports from two university teachers that provide information about your academic potential

  4. Curriculum Vitae, including a detailed description of academic career

  5. Copies of all leaving certificates, diplomas and degrees of schools of universities (Proof of final thesis grade and overall grade of your first academic degree)

  6. One copy of university thesis (or a two to three page abstract if it is in an infrequently used language)

How to apply?

The application consists of the following steps:

  1. Register on the online portal and then follow the instructions.

  2. Please complete the electronic form and upload all the required documents. Don’t forget to save all your modifications.

  3. After the 5th of June 2022 though, the portal will be closed for editing and uploading.

For the Online Portal, please click here!

If you have trouble uploading files, you can send us the documents by e-mail. This also applies to the required reference letters. You can either upload them, or your referees can send them directly to the coordinator (k.jakob@lmu.de).

If you experience any difficulties during the online application process, do not hesitate to contact the coordinator via email (k.jakob@lmu.de).

What happens after we receive your application?

You will be notified by e-mail about whether your application has been successful in the first round of the two-stage approval process. You might then be invited to a selection interview, which will take place shortly afterwards. In the event that you need to apply for a visa to travel to the interview, we strongly recommend that you inquire early about the exact modalities of the visa application. Please also note that we cannot cover any costs associated with your journey. Please also be aware that the guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic may vary, thus the interview may be conducted through Zoom.





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  审     核:心得小蔓





