

国际贸易法评论 国际贸易法评论 2022-04-24

美国贸易代表罗伯特•莱特希泽(Robert Lighthizer)、欧盟贸易委员西西莉亚•玛姆斯托姆(Cecilia Malmstrom)和日本经济贸易和工业部长世耕弘成(Hiroshige Seko)在2017年12月12日阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的会议中达成一致,同意在确保全球公平的竞争环境方面强化义务承担。




Joint Statement by the United States, European Union and Japan 

Mrs. Cecilia Malmström, European Commissionerfor Trade, Mr. Hiroshige Seko, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japanand Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative met inBuenos Aires, Argentine Republic on the 12th of December 2017 and agreed tostrengthen our commitment to ensure a global level playing field.

They said:

“We shared the view that severe excess capacityin key sectors exacerbated by government-financed and supported capacityexpansion, unfair competitive conditions caused by large market-distortingsubsidies and state owned enterprises, forced technology transfer, and localcontent requirements and preferences are serious concerns for the properfunctioning of international trade, the creation of innovative technologies andthe sustainable growth of the global economy.

“We, to address this critical concern, agreedto enhance trilateral cooperation in the WTO and in other forums, as appropriate,to eliminate these and other unfair market distorting and protectionistpractices by third countries.”

